Welcome to HSVP Court Case Tracking System


HSVP CCTS is the software that maintains the details of the Court Cases of Haryana Urban Developement Authority. You can search court cases by Urban Estate, Sector, Plot size and Case Number. https://cctns.hsvphry.org.in/ is giving details of 47738 cases.

The project gives you the autogenerated number for a case by which you can identify a case.

To get a tutorial over the HSVP CCTS you can click the How to Use Link on the top.

About https://cctns.hsvphry.org.in/


The HSVP CCTS gives the following reports to its users:
1. Detail of Cases Listed on a Date
2. Details of Cases Decided on a Date
3. No. of Cases Entrusted to a Advocate between Dates
4. No. of Cases Pending with a Advocate
5. Summary Report for a month
6. List of Cases Decided against HSVP
7. List of Cases Decided in Favour of HSVP
8. List of Cases Decided against HSVP/Appeal Filed
9. List Of Cases where Advocate not Engaged
10. List of Cases where Written Statement not Filed
and many more ........